Friday, January 29, 2010

I Think Her Name Is Grace

Another one of those strange short fantasy pieces I've written. Enjoy =]

I Think Her Name Is Grace
She was standing at the edge of the cliff, overlooking the waterfalls below. She was draped in a white gown and her long blond hair was done up in flowers of pinks, yellows, and blues. Her gown caught the wind and twisted about her slender legs. If not for those she would appear to be floating off to an unknown destination.
Music began to play faintly and she slowly turned her head away from the rocky falls. She danced. Her gown twisted and turned about her, loosely mapping her figure. She closed her deep blue eyes and let her feet lead the way. She sped up with the tempo of the music, losing herself in joy. She danced endlessly into the night, letting the stars and the moon watch over her. The music began to fade and so did she. When all that could be heard was the roaring of the waterfalls, she stood at the edge of the cliff once again. She spread her arms wide and soared down, letting the wind take her away.
When the sun rose, she was back, staring down to the darkness below.

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